We offer programming for all elementary grade levels. We specialize in being able to work with multiple grades at the same time including split grade classes. If you notice any repetition in our programme offerings, please note that we customize each session for the grade level we are working with. Please fill out the contact form below to start the booking process. All programming is conducted onsite.
Pricing is based on duration of the workshop. The longer you book us on a given day, the more economical our hourly rate becomes. Some programmes are specifically half-day (3 hours) or full-day sessions and customized around your daily time schedule and your students regular breaks.
Primary Grades
Historical Dance
Students are given the chance to learn several dance styles from ancient times. The programme begins with the history of the dance being taught including details as to its importance in society at the time. Then the dancing begins! The moves are broken down into easy processions and then assembled into the full dance itself. Music is provided.
Watercolour 101
This session explores the ancient art of watercolour painting conducted by an visual arts instructor (and artist) with over 40 years experience. Historical significance will be explored and students will create their own watercolour painting using proper equipment and supplies.
Puppetry is a very ancient art form thought to have originated about 4000 years ago. Puppets have been used since the earliest times to animate and communicate the ideas and needs of human societies. This session will explore the uses of puppets, the art of puppeteering and have students create their own skits using a variety of puppets and techniques. All equipment is provided.
Ancient Sports & Games
How old are the sports you play? When was soccer invented? Do you know what Kubb is? This workshop explores the types of games and sports played throughout history with an emphasis on the different ways children entertained themselves and the origins of the sports we play today.
Drumming From Around the World
An examination of drumming throughout history and around the world: exploring its uses in work, warfare, rituals and entertainment. Students will learn to drum in various styles and have access to a variety of instruments. This is not a drumming circle and does not contain First Nations content.
Singing & Sea Shanties
Without electricity life is very different. Singing was a big part of everyday life, especially for those at sea. This workshop discusses the evolution of song, its various purposes and teaches students several sea shanties and even gives them the chance to do some group song writing!
The Art of the Court Jester
This tactile workshop allows students to learn the various skills employed by fools and jesters throughout the world: juggling, balancing, tumbling, telling jokes and much more!
The Mobile Museum
This session compares daily life now to back in ancient times especially from the perspective of a child. Little things kids take for granted as well as major life events will be explored in this tactile, artifact based workshop.
Junior Grades
Hands-On History - Half-day (3 hour) Workshop
The Hands-On History programme is a tactile, experience based presentation that highlights the 4500 year grade 4 Early Societies curriculum. It utilizes hands-on elements as well as physical activities and artifact exploration to give a wonderful understanding of this complex and diverse curriculum.
This workshop also includes social studies curriculum coverage for grades 3, 5 and 6, so feel free to include other grade levels and split classes.
This session also includes two archery demonstrations where a small group of students is selected to try either low-powered short bow or crossbow while under strict supervision. This is available at no extra cost. If your administration is not comfortable with this component, we can easily leave it out and focus on the other activities included. The choice is yours.
This workshop also includes the exploration of properly taxidermized animal pelts. The tanning process eliminates allergens, but if you have any concerns please let us know.
The workshop culminates with our instructors dressing in reproduction armour and conducting a historical martial arts demonstration showcasing the skills learned from a medieval manuscript (we even bring a copy). We end with a Q & A session.
Full Day Festival
This full-day event is perfect for multi-grade groups and split classes of up to 120 students as we have curriculum coverage for all grade levels. During the full-day Festival, four sessions will be conducted with students (separated into 4 groups) rotating through the different teacher selected activities. The day is customized to fit your timetable. After the 4 sessions have taken place the students are brought to the gym for the culminating activity: the Tournament! The Tournament will feature a variety of activities based on the day's events and the sessions chosen. The day will end with a reenactment of a battle between our brave armoured warriors as they conduct a historical martial arts demonstration. Session choices for this event are as follows:
Fencing 101
Students are provided with fencing equipment (jackets, gloves, masks, chest protectors and swords) and trained in the basics of Olympic style fencing by a certified fencing coach. Focus is on technique, safety protocols and footwork. We also have half-day and full-day Fencing workshops available. This programme is sponsored by the Ontario Fencing Association.
Historical Dance
Dance has been a part of humanity dating back long before historical record. Many early societies had very distinct dance styles and the ability to dance could change a person's life in some cases. This workshop allows students to learn different historical dances from around the world.
Ancient Sports & Games
How old are the sports you play? When was soccer invented? Do you know what Kubb is? This workshop explores the types of games and sports played during ancient times with an emphasis on the different ways children entertained themselves and the origins of the sports we play today.
Drumming From Around the World
An examination of drumming throughout history and around the world: exploring its uses in work, warfare, rituals and entertainment. Students will learn to drum in various styles and have access to a variety of instruments. This is not a drumming circle and does not contain First Nations content.
The Lost Art of Sewing
Explore a variety of historic artifacts made with needle, thread and many types of fabric used to create objects from ancient times needed in daily life. From prehistoric times when needles were made of bone and sinew and plant fibres were used as thread, through the Industrial Revolution which saw the mechanizing of many products, the skill of threading a needle has become lost to today's generation. This session gives students a chance to experience using a needle and thread in a variety of ways.
Evolution of Arms and Armour
This workshop explores how humans developed arms and armour. How each evolved with the advancement of technology and science. Students get to try a number of ancient activities such as slinging, archery and shield formations.
Pirates: Facts vs. Fiction
Pirates have existed ever since humans have been seafaring. We explore the harsh realities pirates actually endured historically. There are hands-on elements and our instructor will be dressed in accurate clothing from the golden age of piracy.
Ancient Board Games
Humans have been playing games for thousands of years. How have they evolved over time? This workshop has students learn the history of games and try some of the oldest games from all over the world!
The Art of the Court Jester
This tactile workshop allows students to learn the various skills employed by fools and jesters throughout the world: juggling, balancing, tumbling, telling jokes and much more!
The Mobile Museum
This session compares daily life now to back in ancient times especially from the perspective of a child. Little things kids take for granted as well as major life events will be explored in this tactile, artifact based, workshop.
Behind the Shield: Life as a Roman Legionary
This workshop will explore what it was like to be a Roman soldier and includes discussion as well as a plethora of hands on activities including marching, shield formations and much more.
The Armoury
This workshop is 100% tactile with students getting to explore armour and artifacts from various points in history. Students will learn how weapons and armour were developed during ancient times and connect with history as no museum would ever allow.
Siege Weapons
This workshop is 100% tactile with students getting to explore our custom made siege weapons and their historical significance. Students will get to build structures using boxes and then we will attempt to storm the battlements (knock them down) using math and science elements. Schools will be expected to collect boxes for use during this workshop.
Watercolour 101
This session explores the ancient art of watercolour painting conducted by an visual arts instructor (and artist). Historical significance will be explored and students will create their own watercolour painting using artistic equipment and supplies.
Puppetry is a very ancient art form thought to have originated about 4000 years ago. Puppets have been used since the earliest times to animate and communicate the ideas and needs of human societies. This session will explore the uses of puppets, the art of puppeteering and have students create their own skits using a variety of puppets and techniques. All equipment is provided.
This session is a starting point in which students will begin a cartography activity. Teachers will be provided with a programme outline to follow up and continue with after our initial visit as well as with a rubric for culminating assessment. Students will design and create their own community maps based on set criteria involving the principles of map making. Students will extract and analyse information from various maps, read a coordinate grid system and become familiar with historic reasons for map making.
The Illuminated Letter
Lead by a professional artist, students will design and create their own medieval graphic. Working with watercolour paints and paper, students will learn about symbolism, heraldry and the invention of evolution of writing and book production in bygone centuries.
Time Measurement Devices
How did society measure time before electricity or batteries? How was the first clock invented? How has it evolved over time? How does it relate to the calendar? These questions are answered in this fascinating workshop where students learn the history of time measurement and build their own measurement device using provided supplies.
Singing & Sea Shanties
Without electricity life is very different. Singing was a big part of everyday life, especially for those at sea. This workshop discusses the evolution of song, its various purposes and teaches students several sea shanties and even gives them the chance to do some group song writing!
Ancient Jobs
Jobs continue to change throughout history. Some jobs still exist, such as being a Cardinal or a Sheriff, a painter or a midwife. But many jobs have changed. This inquiry-based, tactile workshop will allow students to explore many amazing artifacts that pertained to specific jobs throughout history.
Grade 6: Communities in Canada Game Show - Half-day (3 hour) Workshop
The Grade 6 Communities in Canada Game Show is an amazing immersive experience that allows students to explore the curriculum like never before.
Students are divided into eight teams that are seated around large floor maps which have been hand-painted to represent a larger geographic area. Teams start by choosing a leader, scribe and herald and then the game begins!
Utilizing multimedia components, teams are questioned about their knowledge of the curriculum and gain pieces to be added to their map. They will interact with other teams bringing various aspects of community to life. Teams will deal with local wildlife, nature, and First Nations. There are challenges, technological advancements, potential for warfare and much more.
It has been likened to "RISK meets Settlers of Catan" on a huge scale. This workshop is designed for groups of up to 80 students.
Intermediate Grades
Fencing 101
Students are provided with fencing equipment (jackets, gloves, masks, chest protectors and swords) and trained in the basics of Olympic style fencing by a certified fencing coach. Focus is on technique, safety protocols and footwork. We also have half-day and full-day Fencing workshops available. This programme is sponsored by the Ontario Fencing Association.
Historical Dance
Students are given the chance to learn several dance styles from ancient times. The programme begins with the history of the dance being taught including details as to its importance in society at the time. Then the dancing begins! The moves are broken down into easy processions and then assembled into the full dance itself. Music is provided.
Evolution of Arms and Armour
This workshop explores how humans developed arms and armour. How each evolved with the advancement of technology and science. Students get to try a number of ancient activities such as slinging, archery and shield formations.
Pirates: Facts vs. Fiction
Pirates have existed ever since humans have been seafaring. We explore the harsh realities pirates actually endured historically. There are hands-on elements and our instructor will be dressed in accurate clothing from the golden age of piracy.
Ancient Board Games
Humans have been playing games for thousands of years. How have they evolved over time? This workshop has students learn the history of games and try some of the oldest games from all over the world!
The Armoury
This workshop is 100% tactile with students getting to explore armour and artifacts from various points in history. Students will learn how weapons and armour were developed during ancient times and connect with history as no museum would ever allow.
Siege Weapons
This workshop is 100% tactile with students getting to explore our custom made siege weapons and their historical significance. Students will get to build structures using boxes and then we will attempt to storm the battlements (knock them down) using math and science elements. Schools will be expected to collect boxes for use during this workshop.
Watercolour 101
This session explores the ancient art of watercolour painting conducted by an visual arts instructor (and artist) with over 40 years experience. Historical significance will be explored and students will create their own watercolour painting using proper equipment and supplies.
Puppetry is a very ancient art form thought to have originated about 4000 years ago. Puppets have been used since the earliest times to animate and communicate the ideas and needs of human societies. This session will explore the uses of puppets, the art of puppeteering and have students create their own skits using a variety of puppets and techniques. All equipment is provided.
Ancient Sports & Games
How old are the sports you play? When was soccer invented? Do you know what Kubb is? This workshop explores the types of games and sports played throughout history with an emphasis on the different ways children entertained themselves and the origins of the sports we play today.
This session is a starting point in which students will begin a cartography activity. Teachers will be provided with a programme outline to follow up and continue with after our initial visit as well as with a rubric for culminating assessment. Students will design and create their own community maps based on set criteria involving the principles of map making. Students will extract and analyse information from various maps, read a coordinate grid system and become familiar with historic reasons for map making.
The Illuminated Letter
Lead by a professional artist, students will design and create their own medieval graphic. Working with watercolour paints and paper, students will learn about symbolism, heraldry and the invention of evolution of writing and book production in bygone centuries.
Drumming From Around the World
An examination of drumming throughout history and around the world: exploring its uses in work, warfare, rituals and entertainment. Students will learn to drum in various styles and have access to a variety of instruments. This is not a drumming circle and does not contain First Nations content.
The Art of the Court Jester
This tactile workshop allows students to learn the various skills employed by fools and jesters throughout the world: juggling, balancing, tumbling, telling jokes and much more!
Singing & Sea Shanties
Without electricity life is very different. Singing was a big part of everyday life, especially for those at sea. This workshop discusses the evolution of song, its various purposes and teaches students several sea shanties and even gives them the chance to do some group song writing!
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Booking Inquiry
Please fill out the form below to get a customized quote and start the booking process.